
学生的行为 & Rights


The 校董会 recognizes that as citizens of the Butte-Glenn 社区 College District, 学生是免费的, 个人和集体, 表达他们的兴趣. Students of the College are afforded certain rights and privileges, 除了学习的自由. However, these privileges carry with them an obligation to respect the rights and privileges of others, as well as an obligation to abide by rules and regulations set by the College, 它的各个机构, 及其代理人.


Student integrity is an expectation as well as an essential part of success at Butte College. Students should strive to maintain high ethical standards in their scholarship, 作为校园社区的一员, 在他们的个人生活中. 至关重要的是,学生们要理解这种责任,并在他们所有的学术追求中正直地行事. 以合乎道德的方式行事是探求知识的基本责任,未能保持高道德标准可能会导致纪律处分. 


巴特-格伦社区学院区相信每个学生都有一个认真的目标,学生将坚持可接受的个人行为标准. 培养负责任的学生行为, disciplinary proceedings play a role substantially secondary to example, 咨询, 和警告. 在特殊情况下, 当这些首选的方法不能使学生接受与学生自由相称的责任时, 应遵守正当程序,以保护学生免受不公平和任意施加的严重处罚. The College has developed procedures for protecting student rights. 这些程序所保护的权利包括, 但不限于, 受巴特-格伦社区学院区规章制度保障的学生, 《加州教育法典, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 以及1973年康复法案第504条. 学监/校长有权根据校规规定,有正当理由无限期停学. 有关学生行为的查询, rights, and discipline procedures should be directed to the Dean of Students. Phone: (530) 895-2949 Location: Main Campus - Campus Center (CC), Room 141.


The following categories of behavior constitute good and sufficient cause for disciplinary action. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following categories:

不诚实 This includes cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.

Cheating 这是为了提高成绩或获得课程学分而故意和故意的欺诈和欺骗, 包括学生通过欺诈和/或欺骗手段获得不劳而获的学术优势的所有行为. 如果指控被提出并被证实, 后果很严重, ranging from failure in an individual course to long-term 悬架 from the College.

Forgery This includes altering or issuing College documents, records, or identification.

阻塞/中断 这包括阻碍或扰乱教学, research, 计算服务, 政府, 纪律程序, 或其他学院活动, including its public service functions and other College-authorized activities.

身体虐待 这包括在大学拥有或控制的财产上或在大学赞助或监督的功能上对任何人的身体虐待, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health of any such person.

产权/损坏 This includes printed or software materials of the College, 大学社区的一员, 或者一个校园访客.

政策/法规违反 This includes violation of College policies or campus regulations, including regulations concerning the registration of student organizations, 使用学院的设施, 或者时间, place, 以及公开表达的方式.

酒精和/或麻醉品 这包括使用, 占有, sale, 或在校园或学校赞助的活动中分发麻醉品或其他限制药物和酒精饮料.

歧视 这包括种族歧视, color, creed, 性取向, age, 身体或精神残疾, 资深地位, 政治立场, ancestry, religion, 国家的起源, 婚姻状况, 或任何其他受保护的特征.

骚扰 This includes harassment of a student or employee and sexual harassment.


定义为 董事会政策5500, 主管/校长应根据联邦和州法律法规的正当程序要求,制定对学生施加纪律的程序. 的目的 行政手续5500 is to define conduct that constitutes good cause for discipline, 包括但不限于移除, 悬架, 或者开除学生. 的目的 行政程序5520 是提供一个迅速和公平的方法来处理违反学生行为标准的行为. 董事会政策5500 and Administrative Procedures 5500 and 5520 provide definitions of misconduct, 纪律处分的定义, 并概述纪律聆讯程序. Disciplinary action involving students is primarily the responsibility of the Dean of Students. 有关学生行为的查询, rights, and discipline procedures should be directed to the Dean of Students. Phone: (530) 895-2949 Location: Main Campus - Campus Center (CC), Room 141.

学生的行为, Complaint and Grievance Procedures

Grievance or complaint action may be initiated by a student against another student, 一个教练, 或管理员, 或任何其他地区雇员, and the College may initiate a grievance against a student. The following list indicates acts that are grounds for grievance: a) Violation of student rights; b) Act or threat of intimidation or harassment by a District employee or by a student; and c) Act or threat of physical aggression by a District employee or by a student.

  • View 行政程序5530, 学生的权利和委屈, for complaints or grievances involving a violation of student rights.

  • View AP 3400, 不歧视和禁止骚扰, 针对任何受保护阶层的歧视或骚扰的投诉或不满.

如有不满或投诉,请与学生事务主任联络,以协助处理上文(a)所列的不满理由。, (b), or (c) that do not fall under Administrative Procedures 5530 or 3400. Phone: (530) 895-2949 Location: Main Campus - Campus Center (CC), Room 141.


Students should attempt to work out a resolution with their instructors first. 学生对副教员的投诉应提交给该部门的系主任. 学生对专职教员的投诉应提交系主任. 如果你不确定, or don't know if your instructor teaches part-time or full-time, your complaint may be taken to the Dean who oversees the department. If you are challenging your grade in a class, please see Challenges to Grades in the catalog. For students in online courses, please follow this same procedure. For students enrolled in specific programs that have handbooks or manuals, refer to the procedures outlined in those documents as they may differ from this procedure. If the complaint is regarding accommodations for a disability, please contact the 残疾学生计划 and Services Office, SAS 238, (530) 895-2455.


Participation in any kind of hazing is a misdemeanor. 欺侮被定义为“任何加入学生组织的方法或与该组织有关的任何消遣或娱乐活动,导致, 或可能导致, bodily danger of physical harm to any student or other person attending the College."


除指定区域外,E世博ESBALL的主校区和奇科中心校区被指定为禁烟校园. At the main campus smoking is banned in all undeveloped areas of the campus. Smoking is banned in all of the inner campus, except in designated areas. At all leased facilities, smoking policy is determined by local government. 比特县法令. 3039, "Regulation of Smoking in Work Places and Enclosed Public Places," prohibits smoking in all public places and work places. 格伦县条例. 1011, "Controlled Use of Tobacco Products in Public Buildings and Vehicles," bans smoking in any public place, building, or vehicle. 《国家健康与安全法》规定,任何人在公共交通工具上吸烟都是违法的. 公共汽车装车区是禁烟区. Click here to see a map of the 2 designated smoking areas.


根据公法101-226, "Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989", 巴特-格伦社区学院区董事会禁止非法持有, use, 或学生或员工在比特学院的财产上分发非法药物和酒精,以及作为比特学院赞助或批准的任何活动的一部分. Any student or employee who is in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action up to, 并包括, 驱逐 from Butte College or termination of employment for violations of the standards of conduct. 在任何情况下,采取纪律处分的决定由E世博ESBALL院长/校长决定. 拥有, use, 根据加州商业法典25608(社区大学)的规定,任何人在E世博ESBALL控制的财产上销售酒精饮料都是轻罪,也违反了学生行为标准. The use, 销售或持有任何非法毒品都是违反州法律的,任何违反法律的人都可能受到联邦政府的逮捕, state, local, 或者校园执法部门. 刑事检控与区可能施加的任何行政纪律是分开的.


The 校董会 is committed to providing a drug-free work environment for the students, staff, 以及E世博ESBALL的教职员工. 这种对使用非法物质和不适当使用酒精和其他受管制物质的关注,通过使用适合校园社区每个部分的资源来证明. 目标是通过提供资源,最大限度地发挥学生和工作人员的潜力,使他们能够就药物使用和滥用作出知情决定,并使他们能够健康和富有成效. 药物滥用委员会, 由全体教员组成, staff, 和学生, 是否会成立一个常设委员会,专门负责制定执行这项政策的程序. This committee will be responsible only to the Superintendent/President and the 校董会.


Use, 在校园内持有或分发麻醉品或其他限制药物和酒精饮料将受到纪律处分.


Drug or alcohol abuse on campus or at college-sponsored functions could result in 悬架, 驱逐, 或者刑事起诉. 学生们应该知道这些处罚. Possession or use of alcohol: one year in jail and/or fine. Possession or use of alcohol by minor: one year in jail and/or fine. Possession of marijuana -- less than 1 oz: a fine; -- more than 1 oz: county jail and/or fine. 持有可卡因:监禁一年.
Sale of any illegal drug: imprisonment in a state prison.
Students are required to report any convictions within five days of the occurrence. If students are a student employee, their employment may be terminated. 学生将没有资格获得经济援助.
